Talk to Your Glasses about It
at best words are bad
therapists on good hair days
I can’t stop looking in
the mirror in the mirror
a kind of Tetris of unknown
shapes out of shape
& out of love a place
to sleep in your sleep
by the beach I’d perfume
in your pink noise
my feelings play-dead
with the rainbow 90% rain
& the rest too pretty to look
No, Yeah
you caught me
listening to death
metal in the garden
I'm too close to myself
tattoo on tattoo
to make room
I want to touch
everything like it's the sun
till the world & I are chill
here in this skin is
I don't know what
& you don't either
& that makes us
both a little
smarter, suicidal
Put an infinite number of tapas
on my plate,
I tell the waiter.
If the arithmetic is simple
the simple is all
It costs a lot, I mean.
So I try for the door
but forget
I’m wearing
these giant fluffy
It’s that I'm running out of planet,
ways to go hungry
or fully insane.