
At the Green River

From between roots water pours

Empties onto a flat rock shelf

Travels eight feet sings into calm river rest

    Emotions are hard

    I love you! I love you! I

    Don’t know what to do!

The rock shelf

So far from traffic noise

Sleeps at the level of water

A skin of it less than a quarter inch covers it

Two feet wide

Between the steep tree and bush cut and flat

Looking down, the opaque

Goes on forever

    I carry your wild

    Hair like damage; your brown eyes

    Look into depths of sighs.

In that reflecting pool

Liquid green

The fish wandering

Among a tumble of stones

I realized I learned something

Not about you.


Copyright © 2019, Otis Nebula Press. All rights reserved.

Jody Plant

Marc Janssen, born in March 1966 on the leading edge of Generation X, was formerly a lot of things. Now he is the coordinator of the Salem Poetry Project as well as the Salem Poetry Festival. His work is scattered around the internet and publications and anthologies like Penumbra, Slant, Cirque Journal, Off the Coast, and The Ottawa Arts Journal. He is known as an open mic warrior and occasional featured reader.