The submission window is open.
We want writing for the end of the Anthropocene that doesn’t address current conditions explicitly but does demonstrate an awareness of how things are. We like poems with a pulse and stories with legs. We mostly publish the former but are open to all forms, sub forms, and hybrids, and have always been a refuge for under-represented voices. Send images, comics, and doodles, too.
Please take a gander at our past issues before sending us your work. If you don’t like what you read, chances are we won’t like reading you. (We don’t need to tell you how subjective all this is.) If your work is accepted for publication, you will be expected to participate in the creation of an otis, to be published in the issue. An otis is not as scary as it sounds and is simply a quick, fun writing “game”.
poetry: Send us up to six poems in the body of the email or as an attachment.
everything else: Word limit is around 3000 words, though we do occasionally publish longer prose works. We’re also interested in video poems, music videos, comics, interviews, plays, and all varieties of artwork.
Send all submissions to:
otis [at] otisnebula [dot] com
In the subject field of your message, please type your full name and the type of work you’re submitting (fiction, poetry, etc). We prefer to receive previously unpublished material, though you may submit work that has appeared in blogs, newsletters, or even magazines and journals, especially print journals that not enough people had a chance to ever read, as long as proper citation and acknowledgements are given. Include a short, third person biography. We reserve the right to edit bios in the interests of brevity and style, and often make editorial suggestions on the work as well.
Simultaneous submissions are encouraged, though please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere, preferably by responding to the original submission. Response time varies from mere days to many, many months. Years even. We personally read everything that is sent, but we’re writers too and dispersing rejections saddens us so we rarely get around to doing it. Feel free to email us for a statue update if you haven’t heard from us after a few months.
Otis Nebula reserves First North American Serial Rights with all rights reverting to the author upon publication. We also reserve the right to feature your work on our social media platforms. At this time, we are not a paying market. We are a machine that runs on volunteer labor and love. Work from our site has been featured on Verse Daily and in various literary podcasts.